Community Club

Community Club Officers:

   President:  Anita Lemley

   Vice President:   Rose Glass

   Secretary:  Liz Stephens

   Treasurer:  Kathrine Bridgwater

   Hospitality Chairpersons:

   Room Parent Chairperson:  Rose Glass

   Staff Liaisons:  Sue Nickols

Spring Flyer for Shirts

Community Club Members:

All parents of Freshwater students are members of the Freshwater Community Club and are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings.  Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room or on Zoom.  We welcome everyone to attend monthly meetings and to take an active role in planning events and fundraisers for our school.

What is Community Club?

Freshwater Community Club is similar to PTA/PTO, but without membership dues!  Community Club sponsors many school events throughout the year, supports various school programs, and makes donations and purchases to enrich our students and our school.

Community Club Sponsored Events:

·       Back to School Night – Thursday, First Week of School

Come and learn about your child’s class.  The teachers will discuss the curriculum that will be used, class schedules, discipline strategies, and other details of the classroom.  This night is for teachers to give all the necessary information about their classroom and is meant for parents only.  Please make other arrangements for your child(ren) for this event.

·       All School Potluck –  Second Friday after school begins

The All School Potluck is the first family event of the year.  Desserts and side dishes are potluck, and hotdogs, chips, and drinks will be provided by Community Club.

·       Trick or Treat Street – Last Friday in October

·      Trick or Treat Street is a night where Freshwater families are invited to come to the school grounds and go Trick-or-Treating to all the classrooms.  All the doors are closed during this event, but decorated by the classroom’s family members, which creates so much fun as decorations and themes are such a perfect part of this time of year.

·       Family Fun Nights – Held throughout the year

Family Fun Nights may be scheduled throughout the year.  Past Family Fun Nights have included Halloween Bingo, Rhody Float Decorating, Karaoke Night, Game Night, Family Reading Night, Spaghetti Dinner, Arts & Crafts, Healthy Cooking, and Family Movie Night.  Anyone with a great idea for a Family Fun Night is encouraged to jump in a make it happen!

·       Holiday Boutique – Normally the First Friday in December –   8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

The Holiday Boutique is an annual event in which local crafters sell inexpensive handmade items for the students to purchase, and is also open to families and the community.  If you are a crafter interested in having a table at this event, please watch the bulletin in October for announcements.

·       Breakfast with the Grinch– normally first Saturday of the Month.

Breakfast with the Grinch is a pancake breakfast that all Freshwater Families are invited to join. Where a pancake breakfast is served. The Grinch is there for story reading and great photo opportunities!

·       Dolphin Dash –  Normally Third Friday in April –   8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

The Dolphin Dash is the one major fundraiser of the year for the Community Club.  Our entire year’s budget comes from the proceeds from the Dolphin Dash, so its success is vitally important.  The students will get pledges, either per lap or a highly encouraged flat pledge, then run laps on the day of the Dash on our 1/8 mile track.  Students earn prizes based on the amount of pledges they collect.  The students will collect flat pledge monies as those sponsors sign up.  All sponsors of laps will be billed by the Community Club.  Many volunteers will be needed on the day of the Dash to mark laps, tally pledge sheets, and bill sponsors.

·       Staff Appreciation Week – First or Second Week of May Each Year

We like to recognize the wonderful educators and support staff that we have at Freshwater, and we encourage families to show their appreciation for the staff during this week.  We usually sponsor a lunch to honor our staff on this day

·       Open House – Middle of May Each Year

Come and see what your students’ have been doing all year.  Student work will be showcased in each classroom.  Bring your children and ask them to show you their amazing work.

·       End of the Year Picnics

During the first week of June, the classes will hold their End of the Year picnics at Freshwater Park or in our Nature Area at the school.  Community Club will provide hot dogs, condiments, chips, and briquettes