After School Program

Welcome to the Freshwater After School Program!

*Now Serving Grades TK-8th at Freshwater School


Our team is committed to providing top quality care and producing a program that is full of fun and engaging activities, encompassing learning and growth in all areas. Science, math, arts and crafts, games, sports and engineering will fill each student’s afternoons with fun! Healthy snacks, trips to our beloved school forest and garden, time for homework, staff-led activities, organized sports/games and free time to play and socialize with friends will be a part of our afternoons as well. We’ve got it all covered!












Please submit one form per child (do not “add siblings” –  follow the link for each child/submission.)


Space is limited. 




Hours of Operation: 


Office hours: 9 – 12:30

Student hours: 1:30* – 6pm *we always accept students at dismissal time


ASP Staff


Audrey Hildebrand – Director 

Katja Cragun-Rehders – Assistant Director 


Program Contact Information


Email the Director:

Call the Room: (707) 442 – 3703


We use BRIGHTWHEEL: a Registration/ Daily Check Out, Communication & Billing Platform


**Please plan to utilize Brightwheel for all ASP communications  – and don’t forget to turn on notifications!


Registration & Daily Check Out: Parents/Guardians (caregivers, authorized pick-ups, etc) can download the app to their phone and be in direct contact with our team, plus utilize the digital sign-out for contactless and safe pick-ups – only people linked to your child will be able to access their sign out information. *Parents/Guardians are required to use this app for the purpose of checking out their child from our program daily. 


Communication: Our staff will be able to send and receive messages and send important alerts and reminders easily to your Brightwheel message inbox directly to your smartphone. Please plan to utilize Brightwheel for all ASP communications  – and don’t forget to turn on notifications!


Billing: Paperless billing linked directly to your bank account, and the ability to set up auto-pay make this app convenient and easy to use. Invoice / statements sent out monthly – with easy tracking for tax purposes.

(Cash and check payments are still being accepted!)




Payments are due on the first of each month.

Once schedules have been confirmed and billing statements have been generated payments will be due on the first of each month of the school year. We will be accepting payments through Brightwheel’s online billing platform – where you can use a credit card or link your bank account (service fees apply) and even set up an optional auto-pay schedule. Take it right off your to-do list!


In-person payments for cash, money order or cashier’s check will be accepted via the locked box located in the ASP classroom. *Please leave exact change in a sealed envelope (provided) and clearly label it with the adult paying & child’s name and date on the outside.


Check payments can also be made to the locked box in the ASP classroom. *Please make checks payable to:  Freshwater School  and include the child’s name and billing date in the memo portion of the check.


We accommodate Subsidies from Changing Tides.


(If you have a different subsidy you’d like to use, or another 3rd party payment option you’d like to arrange please contact the Director for approval and set up.)


Please reach out to the Director if you are in need of financial assistance.




Our After School Program offers care to children from TK-8th Grade


Enrollment options include:


“TK-Gap” Transitional Kindergarten Care   1:30 – 3:00pm Tuesday* – Friday


“TK Full Week” Transitional Kindergarten Care   1:30 – 6pm Monday – Friday


“TK Part Week” Transitional Kindergarten Care   1:30 – 6pm *2 day minimum reqd.


“Full Week ASP” Grades K – 8  Full Time Care   2:45/3 – 6pm Monday – Friday


“Part Week ASP” Grades K – 8  2, 3 or 4 Day Care   2:45/3 – 6pm *2 day minimum reqd. 


“Drop-In” Care provided on an as needed basis * (PLEASE see drop-in policies)




TK Rates: 


“TK-Gap” Transitional Kindergarten Care   1:30 – 3:00pm Tuesday* – Friday

*For families of TK students needing care only until other grades/siblings are dismissed

*All children have early release on Mondays at 1:30

*Mondays can be added to this registration option – pick up at 3pm applies. 

$10.50/day x 4 days a week = $42/week  *** $10.50/day x 5 days a week = $52.50/week 


“TK Full Week” Transitional Kindergarten Care   1:30 – 6pm Monday-Friday

*For families of TK students needing all day everyday care for their student

$27/day x 5 days a week = $135/week


“TK Part Week” Transitional Kindergarten Care    1:30 – 6pm *2 day minimum reqd*

*For families of TK students wanting regular, secured care 2-4 days per week for their student

$27/day x 2 days a week = $54/week

$27/day x 3 days a week = $81/week 


$27/day x 4 days a week = $108/week


Grades K – 8 Rates:


“Full Week ASP” Grades K – 8 Full Time Care   2:45 – 6pm Monday – Friday

*For families needing all day every day care for their student 

$15/day x 5 days a week =  $75/week 


“Part Week ASP” Grades K – 8    2, 3 or 4 – Day Care   2:45 – 6pm *2 day minimum reqd*

*For families wanting regular, secured care 2-4 days per week for their student

$15/day x 2 days a week = $30/week

$15/day x 3 days a week = $45/week


$15/day x 4 days a week = $60/week


Drop-In Rates:


“Drop-In” Care provided on an as-needed basis, available for all students Grades TK-8

*For families wanting to use ASP on an as-needed/irregular basis

*Pay for only the time you need, instead of the full days & regular schedule enrollment option

*Advanced approval for attendance required, space is limited & not guaranteed available


$8/hr for individual students or $14/hr for 2 siblings or $18/hr for 3 siblings


FASP Drop-in Policies:


  • All students must be registered through Brightwheel (all personal information/primary and emergency contact information on file)  PRIOR to attending the program.
  • Drop-in time must be paid in ADVANCE. $50 balance due prior to attending – covers 6.25 hours of care to use as needed. *drop-in time does not expire and can be shared among siblings. *We will track your time used, and you will be notified when your account balance is low/out and needs replenishing.
  • Drop-in attendance must be APPROVED in ADVANCE (24hrs notice recommended).
    • Space must be confirmed as available by the Director or other ASP staff prior to attending. *Send us a message via Brightwheel on days/dates needed and wait for a response. 
    • Drop-in space is limited, not guaranteed, and given on a 1st-come-1st-served basis.
  • Drop-ins are not accepted during the first month or the final week of school.




1st  Sibling discount of 20%  = + $60/week  {Enrollment for 2 children = $135}

2nd  Sibling discount of 30% = + $52.50/week {Enrollment for 3 children = $187.50}


ELOP (scholarship) funding is available through the school for qualifying families. Please contact the Director for more information.


Sliding Scale options are available for qualifying families. Please contact the Director for more information.


Families are encouraged to connect with Changing Tides or another subsidized care program to see if they qualify for financial assistance. 


Applications for Hardships – financial or otherwise – are available and will be processed and considered on an ongoing basis. Please communicate with the Director if you would like an application and/or to discuss options.


Program Requirements/Policies: 

All requirements and policies apply to all families utilizing the After School Program.

Any breach of this policy contract can result in applied fees (where applicable)

Chronic mis-use of the program that violates these policies can lead to termination and removal of students from the program.


*A child must be registered and accepted as “enrolled” prior to attending the After School Program.

* A payment method must be arranged (either through Brightwheel’s billing/auto-pay or planned cash or check payment) prior to the student’s first day in the program. OR 

* Financial status must be confirmed and verified prior to receiving care at no cost.

*Billing is done on a schedule basis, not attendance base. The schedule is how the bill is produced. Days a student is absent will still be part of the monthly charge. ^If a child has a planned, extended absence that is communicated in advance, we may prorate unused days.

*Payments will be due on the first day of each month.

*A late fee of $20 will be applied to bills not paid on time (after a 5 day grace period).

*Registration schedules will stay in effect throughout the school year, unless otherwise communicated in advance with the Director. – If you need to stop care at any point, please contact us as soon as possible – we require 30 days advance notice, and all outstanding amounts owed must be paid in full to change a registration status. 

*Students must be signed-out daily by a parent/guardian or authorized pick up person.

*Authorized pick-up persons must be listed as such on the child’s registration form, OR be pre-approved by a parent/guardian and must show proof of ID – a staff member will assist with check out.

*A late fee of $5 will be billed for any late pick- ups between 6pm and 6:05, with an additional $1/minute from 6:05 on. Please pick-up on time, our program closes at 6pm. These policies apply to ALL program participants regardless of payment plan/status.


In order for the After School Program to be a safe and accessible place for all students, it is imperative that students meet the expectations outlined in our Behavior Policy. Parents/Guardians (and students!) are encouraged to read and understand the rules and guidelines in the document below. Please support, communicate and work with our staff to provide the most successful space for students to learn, grow and thrive together at the Freshwater After School Program. 

Please see our Behavior Policy (attached below) 

Behavior Policy